Trapping Quincy - Free Story by NicoleRiddley (2024)



My trusted assistant, François, is holding up my robe as I slip out of the rumpled bed. Long legs tangled and hands with perfectly manicured nails are sticking out from under the sheet.

“Wake her up and get Beckett to drive her home,” I tell François as I shrug my robe on.

“Your Highness....where do think you’re going?” says a velvety seductive voice from the bed. A second later, her sleepy face with disarrayed ringlets of brown hair emerges from underneath the blanket.

“I’m going to bed. You need to get home,” I say curtly, ready to leave.

“But Prince Caspian...we are in bed. I mean you were...” She slinks out of bed in nothing at all and attaches herself to my back, her hands start to roam my chest and my lower region. François doesn’t even bat an eyelid. He has seen it all before. “Come back to bed and I’ll make Your Highness very very happy.” Her hands grow bolder.

I pry her fingers off me and re-tie my robe. I don’t usually need to tell people twice what to do.

“Why can’t we spend the whole night together?” I can sense her pouting behind me. She’s getting clingy. I don’t do clingy. “Why can’t I sleep in your bed?” Nope, she’s going nowhere near my private quarters. “Last night was magnifique, my prince.” Of course, she would think so. I’ve been with her twice and I’m already bored. She’s beautiful, most of lycan women are, but this is the last time she’s setting foot in here.

“What time is it, François?” I ask my assistant as I slip on my slippers before I exit the room.

“It’s almost four in the morning, Your Highness,” he answers after flicking his eyes at his pocket watch.

“Prince Caspian! Please...” I hear her whinny voice behind us.

“Make sure she’s dressed then escort her out,” I tell him even though I know he needs no such instruction.

“I’ll make sure she’s out before anybody sees her or the Queen hears about her,” he replies.

I nod my head even though I couldn’t care less if mother saw my latest conquest. Actually, it’s better if she does. I stop walking. “François?”

“Yes, Your Highness?”

“Make sure to escort her out through the main entrance,” I tell him. My smile is widening. Mother will hear about this.

“You’re an idiot, do you know that?” says my cousin, Constantine. He has no doubt heard the tail end of my instruction to François.

“Oh, he knows,” mutters Lazarus.

My shoulders are relaxing and my mood improves drastically as I find myself among my trusted friends. I’ve reached the East wing of the palace where I can be myself. Where my pack members are. My family.

As the crown prince, I learn very early and the hard way that not everybody can be trusted. Everyone wants something from me. Those trusted few friends that I have, I keep.

Lazarus is my guardian as well as my head of security. He also happens to be Constantine’s cousin from his mother’s side. We’ve been together for centuries. We are all the same height, around 6′ 5" but Lazarus, being one of our best warriors, is bulkier.

“What are you two doing out of bed at this hour? Don’t you have your mates to please?” Both of them have found their mates or rather “erasthai” for us lycans. Lucky bastards.

Their mates are also now part of our small pack. Lazarus found his erasthai, Serena over sixty years ago. Constantine claimed Genesis three years ago. Both Serena and Genesis are like sisters to me.

“Genesis is accompanying Penny to the airport as we speak,” answers Constantine.

“What? Now?” I ask him. “My Beany didn’t even wait to say goodbye? She didn’t say anything about leaving last night.” Penny, or Beany as I call her, is Genesis’s best friend. We’ve discovered that she’s the erasthai of Commander Darius Rykov, one of our close friends. We’ve come to accept her as one of us, even though he hasn’t claimed her yet, much to our frustration. She’s trustworthy, loyal, and strong...though very short-tempered. I enjoy rilling her up.

“Something must’ve happened last night to cause her to leave. She wouldn’t say what it was...but she looked pretty upset,” explains Constantine.

“Darius did mention he wanted to mark someone else,” retorts Lazarus.

“Then he’s a fool!” I growl. I can’t believe he could even think of marking someone else when he’s found his erasthai.

“Don’t get involved,” warns Lazarus. I’m making no such promises.

“Yeah, you’re in a lot of trouble yourself, Caspian,” agrees Constantine. “There’s going to be hell to pay when the queen hears about your latest indiscretion... leaving through the main entrance no less.” he shakes his head at my newest stunt. “The hell’s going to explode.” Oh, I’m counting on it.

I grin and pull the door open as we reach my bed-chamber. I give them a quick salute before I disappear inside. I’m waiting for hell to explode.

There’s always tension between mother and me. As the crown prince, I have a responsibility to mate and take over the throne from my father. My mother, Queen Sophia has made her choice clear in the form of Lady Celeste, the daughter of one of her closest friends. Forget the idea of finding my erasthai. Mark Lady Celeste and be crowned King.

As a lycan, we are born to recognize the one. Our erasthai. Our life force. The one who calls for our soul. The one who would mold to fit us even more so physically, mentally, and spiritually once we mark and claim her as ours. I may be a player, but when you’ve lived for hundreds of years searching, loneliness creeps in. I know that no amount of meaningless hookups can make me feel whole.

All those women I hook up with, they know the score. They’re mostly sophisticated socialites. Definitely no blushing virgins. They know what they’re in for. Just some fun.

Still, some grow clingy. Most of them hope to be the next queen.

I refuse to mark just anyone. Marking anyone else will never satisfy my soul...definitely not Lady Celeste. I will find my erasthai one day. I need to find her.

As expected, hell did explode. My mother and I had a huge argument that very morning. The argument had me destroy some parts of the palace, including my own bed-chamber. The fight had also the expected result: my father, King Alexandros encouraged me to take a break. That means I’m free to stay away from Banehallow Palace and Russia for a few years. I have a plan.

“Come on, Red, throw the dart already,” I urge Genesis after my last dart landed somewhere in the middle of Lake Huron.

Yeah, that’s right. My grand plan is to throw the dart on the map to figure out where we’re going to spend the next few years.

“This is stupid, Caspian...throwing the dart. Really? Why can’t we just pick a good college that offers a good program that we like, apply like normal people do and just go?” BORING.

“That’s a stupid way to do it...besides, this is more fun,” I disagree. “Look, the last time I did it, you ended up meeting Constantine. You still think it’s stupid?”

At least I plan on going to college instead of a high school like the last time. These people should be thankful. Where’s the gratitude?

“Fine!!!! Give me that thing!” she exclaims in annoyance. I swear by the look in her eyes that she would rather stick that dart on my forehead instead. Oh, Red.

I know it annoys her when I call her Red but with her distinctive red hair and craziness, it fits.

“Did you tell everyone else that this is how you decide they’re spending the next few years of their lives? By throwing the dart on the map?” she asks me before she closes her eyes and prepares to aim.

“Nope! You’re the only one I let in the secret. You should feel honored, Red.”

The dart whizz through the air and lands right on the edge of the USA. Near the ocean.

“That’s it! The dart has spoken. Pack your bag, Red. We’re going to California.”

*To my new readers, even though this book can stand on its own, I highly recommend that you read Fighting Darius (or better still, Catching Genesis) prior to reading Trapping Quincy.

Trapping Quincy - Free Story by NicoleRiddley (2024)


What is trapping Quincy about? ›

Quincy is a half werewolf half human hybrid but she doesn't have a wolf so she's classified as a human. She lives in a pack with mother and family who treat her terribly because she is a human. Quincy is taken in by her grandmother (Nana) but when her Nana dies, Quincy's family try to mate her off to the former Alpha.

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There are entire free books available every day. In addition, a limited number of chapters are free to read in every book. To continue reading beyond the free chapters, there are 2 options: free or paid. You can wait a certain number of hours before unlocking the next chapter at no cost.

What is the story of the trap? ›

The Trap relates the story of an elderly native man named Albert Least-Weasel and his grandson, Johnny Least-Weasel. Albert is out in the Alaskan wilderness checking his traplines. When he doesn't return on time and the temperature drops, Johnny and Albert's wife begin to worry about the old man.

Why is trapping controversial? ›

Traps are indiscriminate, catching the first animal to step on them. Countless dogs and cats, deer, birds and other animals—including threatened and endangered animals—are also injured and killed each year by the traps. These animals are referred to by trappers as 'trash'.

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Point Pricing on Galatea depends on what book you're reading, and how far you are into the book. Chapters can start at 5 points, and can cost up to 25 points at this time.

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What is the beach trap about? ›

When twelve-year-olds Kat Steiner and Blake O'Neill meet at Camp Chickawah, they have an instant connection. But everything falls apart when they learn they're not just best friends—they're also half-sisters. Confused and betrayed, their friendship instantly crumbles.

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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.