Shores of Gold Tall Tale Journals, Locations and Text - Rare Thief (2024)

You’ve reached the Shores of Gold! Huzzah! Ah, but you’ll find so much more than gold on these shores.

Here you’ll find all ten journals for this Tall Tale—and they are perhaps the richest sources of lore within the entire Shores of Gold Tall Tale saga!

These journals were written by Captain Briggsy, and you will walk in her footsteps as you discover each one.

You’ll begin at the spot where Briggsy arrived a little less gracefully than she might have hoped. You’ll explore the island a bit. Then, you’ll follow Briggsy’s physical and spiritual descent into darkness…

Here you’ll find the locations and text for each Journal in the Shores of Gold.

The Shores of Gold is a large island. Poking around for small journals could take quite some time. Even once your way forward is certain in the treacherous tunnels below, those tunnels are full of dark nooks and crannies. Hopefully, we can help.

The text in these journals is a lore lover’s dream! If you’ve read the novel Sea of Thieves: Athena’s Fortune, you will undoubtedly appreciate allusions in abundance!

Even if you haven’t read the novel, these journals round out the entire Shores of Gold Tall Tale collection.

Since the Shores of Gold lay far beyond the shroud, we thought it would be particularly useful to have the text for these journals close at hand.

Ah, but you have most likely arrived on this page because you are currently on Tribute Peak, attempting to find these journals. So, we will begin with the locations.

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These journals appear only if the Shores of Gold Tall Tale is active!

You won’t get far sailing into the Shroud without the Shroudbreaker. So, first, you’ll want to retrieve the Shroudbreaker—now complete with the stones you’ve collected.

Head on over to Morrow’s Peak Outpost to speak with its namesake: Grace Morrow. Next to Morrow, you’ll see the Shores of Gold Tall Tale book. Once you begin the Tall Tale, Morrow will provide the Shroudbreaker.

After speaking with Morrow, you’ll see the Shroudbreaker appear on your ship, affixed near the helm. You may now safely sail to Tribute Peak!

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The Location for the Shores of Gold Journal #1

Once you arrive at Tribute Peak, head to the beach on the Southeast. Just inland from where the tree line begins, you will see Briggsy’s wrecked ship.

It might also help to note that the shipwreck is North of the entrance to the Shark vault, and Southeast of the waterfall you exit at the end of the Tall Tale.

You’ll find the journal in the back corner of what was once Briggsy’s captain’s quarters.

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The Location for the Shores of Gold Journal #2

You will find this journal along the path that leads to the “Compass Room.” How do you get from Briggsy’s ship to the “Compass Room? Follow me!

From Briggsy’s ship, head Northwest toward the waterfall. To the right of the waterfall, you will see a path heading up a hill. Follow that path. At the top of that little hill, make a slight right to continue along the path.

You should see a large tunnel draped in leafy vines. Head on into that tunnel, and continue following the path upward. As you do, you will emerge from the tunnel, and your route will curve toward the left.

You will soon come to another tunnel entrance. This one marked by a wooden beam lodged between the rocks, and draped in a tattered cloth. Just before that wooden beam, on your left, you’ll see two crates.

The Journal is propped up on the ground between the two crates.

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The Location for the Shores of Gold Journal #3

You will find this journal inside the Compass Vault room. Continuing on from the second journal location, pass under that wooden beam and through the tunnel. Continue along the path as it curves right.

It will look like you are coming up to some rocky cliffs. You are. Not to worry. Climb on up, and you will see a wooden bridge connecting these cliffs to a little islet.

Walk along the bridge and follow the path down. You’ll soon see a little fork, where the path splits left and right. Take the path on your left. Shortly after, your path will again split left and right. Once again, take the path on your left.

This path will curve around, until you see yet another tunnel marked by a wooden beam draped in a tattered cloth. Pass under that beam and into the tunnel. You should see the compass room directly ahead.

Near the compass room’s entrance, just off to the right, you’ll see some broken crates. Inside one of those crates, you will find a journal.

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The Location for the Shores of Gold Journal #4

Exiting the “Compass Room,” follow the path upward. As you emerge from the tunnel you will see two palm trees up ahead. Climb up to the rocks just behind those palm trees, and you will see the cove with the corridor of statues on the other side.

To the right of those statues, there is a path. To the right of that path is another path. You will be taking that rightmost path.

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You could hike down and around to that spot. However—if it were me—I’d head left along those rocks until I got to about where I thought I could sword lunge from these cliffs to the beach on the other side of the cove.

Once you emerge from the water, take that rightmost path. It will soon become a dead end as another path crosses it perpendicularly. Turn right to follow this path, and you will see the steps of an ancient ruin.

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Climb those steps, and under a stone archway. you’ll then see a stone monument with steps leading down.

It seems a stone beacon that once topped one of the monument’s columns is now crumbled upon the steps. Behind that fallen stone beacon, you will find this journal.

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The Location for the Shores of Gold Journal #5

Turn around and head back to the cove from whence you came. You will undoubtedly see the row of gigantic stone thrones.

Standing with your back to the cove, looking down the corridor, you will see the “Boat Vault” ahead of you. The throne you seek is the fourth throne on the left.

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You have some options for reaching this throne. If you’ve parked your boat in the cove, you could cannon up to the throne.

You could also climb up on the cliffs behind the thrones on the left, and sword dash down. You’ll likely be able to make it onto the first throne. From there, you can sword dash from one throne to the next.

The journal is resting on the statues left arm.

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The Location for the Shores of Gold Journal #6

For this journal, you will need the Gold Hoarder coin. For an in depth guide on how to acquire that coin, head on over to the Shores of Gold Tall Tale Guide.

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Once you have that coin, you must cannon up onto the beheaded throne (the first throne on the left.)

After you’ve safely landed atop the throne, you’ll see where you can drop down inside. Inside, you’ll see a lever. This will open the door, allowing your crewmates to enter from the throne’s base.

Follow the tunnels down below the throne and you will come to a chamber. In this chamber, you will see where you can enter the Gold Hoarder Coin to open the “Path to Forsaken Fortune.”

Once you’ve opened and passed through the stone doors, stop. You’ll see two broken crates on your left. You’ll find the journal in those crates, beneath the glow of a nearby flame.

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The Location for the Shores of Gold Journal #7

Stay close to the walls, as you follow the crumbling path further down beneath the shores. You’ll emerge into a large chamber filled with stalactites and stalagmites.

Your eventual path will take you to the left, but to find this journal you will need to go right. You’ll see a wooden barricade of sorts. Walk to the left of that barricade.

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Splash on into the rocky pool aglow with blue mushrooms. Though the mushrooms provide a nice soft glow, you might want to pull out your lantern to see your way around.

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Turn left to face a path blocked by rubble and debris. At the foot of these tumbled stones, you’ll find the journal you seek.

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The Location for the Shores of Gold Journal #8

Head back to where you first entered this chamber. This time, go left, and begin to make your way through the treacherous traps and obstacles.

You’ll pass through spiked corridors, then tip-toe your way across the beams that span a dark and pointy pit.

Once you’ve safely made your way across this pit, you’ll come to a new obstacle: a tunnel of swinging spikes! Before you brave this tunnel, there’s a little spot where you can catch a moment’s respite.

On the right, you’ll see a bell. On the left, you’ll see a bit of scaffolding with a broken chest and crates below. You’ll find the journal hidden inside the bigger of the two crates.

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The Location for the Shores of Gold Journal #9

Continue on your merry way: through the tunnel of spikes and down a dark pathway, fighting skeleton scalawags as you go. Raise the capstan to open the next wooden door. Then proceed through the cascading pendulums of death.

You will emerge into yet another chamber of skellies to fight and a capstan to raise. Upon raising the capstan, you’ll pass through the opened door and hurdle over rotating spikes.

You’ll then find yourself in a larger chamber with traps strewn about the floor. Across the room, you’ll see a scaffolding platform, draped with a bit of tattered cloth. That is where you will find this next journal.

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In the image above, you’ll notice a lit brasier to the right of this platform. Jumping onto that brasier will be your easiest way up onto that platform.

So, watch your step as you cross the room. Jump onto the brasier. Jump onto the platform. On the platform you’ll see a bit of rubble. You’ll find the journal near the wall, tucked amidst the fallen stones.

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The Location for the Shores of Gold Journal #10

In the chamber with the previous journal, you’ll find three levers. Use those levers to progress down the “Path to Forsaken Fortune.”

Next, you’ll see a wooden archway of sorts, with caged skeletons swinging above. Pass beneath those cages and follow the path up.

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You’ll then see a wooden platform on your left, and a wooden platform on your right.

Head up to the wooden platform on your right. You will find the journal sitting atop a crate on this platform.

The Text for the Shores of Gold Journal #1

This journal is titled, “I forgot to stop.

It reads:

Well this is embarrassing. I’m normally a dab hand behind the wheel, and I don’t make a habit of wrecking my ship halfway up the beach.

Still, what matters is that I made it here. Another first for Captain Briggsy! I should plant a flag, but all I have is these journals.

I’m kind of disappointed that the shores aren’t really made of gold, but at least I won’t go blind once the sun comes up.

The Shroud doesn’t seem to cover the island, just… wrap around it, I guess. That means it’s safe to explore, and exploring I shall go!

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The Text for the Shores of Gold Journal #2

This journal is titled, “Let’s not mention this…

It reads:

Bah! Looks like I’m not the first to make it here after all. This stuff doesn’t look ancient, just old, and I’m sure it was made by pirates.

I guess the island slips out of the Devil’s Shroud from time to time, and that’s when others came? Maybe even Ramsey got here in the end.

Well, no point in sulking. I’m here now, and I bet I can find something they missed. A memento, to help remember this place.

And when I tell this story, maybe I’ll conveniently forget to mention this little discovery. We’ll make it our secret, okay?

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The Text for the Shores of Gold Journal #3

This journal is titled, “Dreams.

It reads:

It’s still night, but I just woke up sweating. My first really bad dream in years. Maybe if I write it out, I can sleep.

I was back in the tavern at Golden Sands on the night Ramsey called parley. Trying to open on of those sealed chests.

I couldn’t pick the lock. Couldn’t force it. Then suddenly, there’s the key in my hand. I smirk and throw open the lid… Nothing there.

Seriously. Nothing, like looking into a chasm. A bottomless pit in a box. And suddenly, I feel hands on my back, shoving me!

I think it’s one of Ramsey’s men, and now I’m inside the chest, falling – screaming out as the lid snaps shut overhead… Then I woke up. Ugh.

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The Text for the Shores of Gold Journal #4

This journal is titled, “No shortcuts!

It reads:

This is a weird place. It looks like someone used powder kegs to blow their way down into whatever lies below this island.

Maybe they managed it somehow, maybe not. Either way, the tunnel they left behind collapsed a long time ago.

There has to be another way down. Ancient civilizations love putting secret passages in stuff. It’s a well-known fact! Ask anyone.

Whatever it takes, I’m going to get down there. I want to see every last inch of this place before I leave!

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The Text for the Shores of Gold Journal #5

This journal is titled, “Climbing masterclass.

It reads:

You know how some people are good climbers? Well, I am a GREAT climber. That’s why I left this book up here, as proof.

Well… I say “climb”. I actually used a cannon from the wreck of my sloop. But if you’re reading this, you must’ve had the same idea.

This place has some amazing views, and I want to see them all! I do wish I had someone to talk to though…

I hope you’re okay out there, Sudds.

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The Text for the Shores of Gold Journal #6

This journal is titled, “Why are they here?

It reads:

I am very much creeped out right now, not that I’d ever admit it to anyone. I finally made it on top of the throne and inside.

I hadn’t gone far before I spotted a chest. One of the sealed ones people sometimes sell to the Gold Hoarders, but… open.

It looked just like the one from my dream. Like, exactly the same. It sounds stupid but I didn’t dare go near it in case I fell in.

As if I needed more clues, I spotted the Gold Hoarder emblem on a door, too. So. They’ve been here before. But why?

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The Text for the Shores of Gold Journal #7

This journal is titled, “Where the gold goes.

It reads:

I don’t like Trading Companies. There were none when I first came to the Sea of Thieves, young and co*cky as I was.

I don’t blame people for working with the Gold Hoarders though. If you’ve found a chest you can’t open, why NOT take it to them?

Well… Maybe because we should have been asking ourselves what they do with the treasure afterwards, when we’ve walked away.

I think it comes here. I think it ALL comes here. That’s why this place is called Shores of Gold.

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The Text for the Shores of Gold Journal #8

This journal is titled, “I only wanted one…

It reads:

I’ve made a huge mistake.

I only wanted a little thing. Just a keepsake, something to prove I’ve been here. Just one little trinket from a treasure pile.

I don’t feel sick, or cursed. I feel great! And that’s bad, because I haven’t slept or eaten in days.

There’s a different kind of feeling inside me now, though. I don’t like it. I don’t understand it. But I know it’s getting stronger.

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The Text for the Shores of Gold Journal #9

This journal is titled, “Answers.

It reads:

He was waiting for me, just as I expected.

I thought he’d attack, but he seemed to understand.

He says I can’t go back. I’ll be an outcast. A target. I know he’s right.

If I agree to serve, he’ll share a cure one day.

He’s probably lying. But what choice do I have?

Briggsy died on this island, and I’m all that’s left.

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The Text for the Shores of Gold Journal #10

This journal is titled, “A last act of free will.

It reads:

I was commanded to destroy the relic. He doesn’t want pirates reaching here unexpectedly, when he might be sleeping.

I have disobeyed. If there really is a cure for… what I am, now… I might need the Shroudbreaker to find it. One day.

Instead, I’ll hide the gems that seem to focus it’s power. I know plenty of old places to keep them safe from fleshy fingers.

The Shroudbreaker can go back to sleep in its vault to recharge. And I’ll start gathering treasures for him, as ordered.

I’ll be a slave. I’ll be a villain. I’ll be a monster. At least now I know what the feeling inside of me is.


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If you’ve followed this guide along Briggsy’s path, you will have unlocked the commendation for finding all ten journals: The Stain of Greed.

You’re also one step closer to that Gold Hoarder’s Curse!

If you’ve taken a moment to read through the journals, you now hold a deeper understanding of the famous and infamous Captain Briggsy. You know more of the person Briggsy was to Tasha, Sudds, and Rose. You know more of what she became, too—and why…

Note: The first time you check your commendations, you might not see that shiny commendation you so wished to see unlocked. Quick! Leave the commendation page before that unfulfilled desire turns to darkness!

Then, fully in command of yourself, return to the Shores of Gold commendation page. You should now see the consummation of your efforts brilliantly reflected before you.

For the Glory!

Shores of Gold Tall Tale Journals, Locations and Text - Rare Thief (2024)
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Author: Frankie Dare

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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

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Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.