Opening Hours for Fast Food in Guldlisten | Opening Times Nearby (2024)

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About Subway

SUBWAY er verdens største sandwichkjede. Subway tilbyr raske, næringsrike måltider.

Alternatives to Subway

Fast Food finner du hos McDOnald's, Burger King, Subway, Big Bite,Pizzabakeren, Deli de luca med flere. Åpningstider till nærmeste fast food restaurant finner du her.

Fast FoodSubway, Guldlisten 35, Drammen

Opening Hours for Fast Food in Guldlisten | Opening Times Nearby (1)

This Subway is located 0.1 km from here.

Regular Opening Hours (Not valid during holidays!):

Mon: 10.00-22.00&nbsp &nbsp Fri: 10.00-22.00
Tue: 10.00-22.00&nbsp &nbsp Sat: 10.00-21.00
Wed: 10.00-22.00&nbsp &nbsp Sun: 11.30-19.00
Thu: 10.00-22.00&nbsp &nbsp


459 56 799

Fast FoodSubway, Stromso Torg 5A, Drammen

Opening Hours for Fast Food in Guldlisten | Opening Times Nearby (2)

This Subway is located 2.6 km from here.

Regular Opening Hours (Not valid during holidays!):

Mon: 09.00-21.00&nbsp &nbsp Fri: 09.00-00.59
Tue: 09.00-21.00&nbsp &nbsp Sat: 09.00-00.59
Wed: 09.00-21.00&nbsp &nbsp Sun: 09.00-21.00
Thu: 09.00-21.00&nbsp &nbsp

This Subway is located 9.3 km from here.

Regular Opening Hours (Not valid during holidays!):

Mon: 10.00-20.00&nbsp &nbsp Fri: 10.00-20.00
Tue: 10.00-20.00&nbsp &nbsp Sat: 10.00-18.00
Wed: 10.00-20.00&nbsp &nbsp Sun: Stengt
Thu: 10.00-20.00&nbsp &nbsp

Fast FoodSubway, Drammensveien 201, Drammen

Opening Hours for Fast Food in Guldlisten | Opening Times Nearby (4)

This Subway is located 11.2 km from here.

Regular Opening Hours (Not valid during holidays!):

Mon: 10.00-21.00&nbsp &nbsp Fri: 10.00-21.00
Tue: 10.00-21.00&nbsp &nbsp Sat: 10.00-18.00
Wed: 10.00-21.00&nbsp &nbsp Sun: Stengt
Thu: 10.00-21.00&nbsp &nbsp


469 83 312

Fast FoodSubway, Storgata 12, Kongsberg

Opening Hours for Fast Food in Guldlisten | Opening Times Nearby (5)

This Subway is located 29.6 km from here.

Regular Opening Hours (Not valid during holidays!):

Mon: 09.00-21.00&nbsp &nbsp Fri: 09.00-03.00
Tue: 09.00-21.00&nbsp &nbsp Sat: 10.00-03.00
Wed: 09.00-21.00&nbsp &nbsp Sun: 11.00-18.00
Thu: 09.00-21.00&nbsp &nbsp


459 53 180

Fast FoodSubway, Lysaker Jernbanestasjon, Lysaker

Opening Hours for Fast Food in Guldlisten | Opening Times Nearby (6)

This Subway is located 32.9 km from here.

Regular Opening Hours (Not valid during holidays!):

Mon: 07.30-20.00&nbsp &nbsp Fri: 07.30-20.00
Tue: 07.30-20.00&nbsp &nbsp Sat: 10.00-19.00
Wed: 07.30-20.00&nbsp &nbsp Sun: 10.00-18.00
Thu: 07.30-20.00&nbsp &nbsp

Fast FoodSubway, Sjoskogveien 7, Vinterbro

Opening Hours for Fast Food in Guldlisten | Opening Times Nearby (7)

This Subway is located 34.4 km from here.

Regular Opening Hours (Not valid during holidays!):

Mon: 10.00-21.00&nbsp &nbsp Fri: 10.00-21.00
Tue: 10.00-21.00&nbsp &nbsp Sat: 09.00-18.00
Wed: 10.00-21.00&nbsp &nbsp Sun: Stengt
Thu: 10.00-21.00&nbsp &nbsp

Fast FoodSubway, Senterveien 8, Vestby

Opening Hours for Fast Food in Guldlisten | Opening Times Nearby (8)

This Subway is located 36.5 km from here.

Regular Opening Hours (Not valid during holidays!):

Mon: 10.00-20.00&nbsp &nbsp Fri: 10.00-20.00
Tue: 10.00-20.00&nbsp &nbsp Sat: 10.00-18.00
Wed: 10.00-20.00&nbsp &nbsp Sun: Stengt
Thu: 10.00-20.00&nbsp &nbsp


474 69 829

Fast FoodSubway, Bogstadveien 41, Oslo

Opening Hours for Fast Food in Guldlisten | Opening Times Nearby (9)

This Subway is located 37.5 km from here.

Regular Opening Hours (Not valid during holidays!):

Mon: 09.00-22.00&nbsp &nbsp Fri: 09.00-03.30
Tue: 09.00-22.00&nbsp &nbsp Sat: 09.00-03.30
Wed: 09.00-22.00&nbsp &nbsp Sun: 10.00-20.00
Thu: 09.00-22.00&nbsp &nbsp


21 42 03 42

Fast FoodSubway, Akersgata 43, Oslo

Opening Hours for Fast Food in Guldlisten | Opening Times Nearby (10)

This Subway is located 37.7 km from here.

Regular Opening Hours (Not valid during holidays!):

Mon: 09.00-21.00&nbsp &nbsp Fri: 09.00-21.00
Tue: 09.00-21.00&nbsp &nbsp Sat: 10.00-20.00
Wed: 09.00-21.00&nbsp &nbsp Sun: 11.00-19.00
Thu: 09.00-21.00&nbsp &nbsp


469 83 316

About Subway

SUBWAY er verdens største sandwichkjede. Subway tilbyr raske, næringsrike måltider.

Alternatives to Subway

Fast Food finner du hos McDOnald's, Burger King, Subway, Big Bite,Pizzabakeren, Deli de luca med flere. Åpningstider till nærmeste fast food restaurant finner du her.

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More Opening Hours Subway

Subway, Akersgata 43, Oslo

Subway, Kirkegaten 32, Oslo

Subway, Skippergata 25A, Oslo

Subway, Jernbanetorget 6, Oslo

Subway, Universitetsgata 20, Oslo

Subway, Schweigaards, Oslo

Subway, Youngstorget 2A, Oslo

Subway, Pilestredet 41C, Oslo

Subway, Bogstadveien 41, Oslo

Subway, Gronlandsleiret 23, Oslo

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  • Subway guldlisten
  • Subway opening hours guldlisten
  • Subway opening hours
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  • Opening hours Subway
  • When opens Subway guldlisten
  • Opening hours nearest Subway guldlisten
  • Opening hours Subway guldlisten

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Opening Hours for Fast Food in Guldlisten | Opening Times Nearby (2024)


Is it rude to go to fast food 20 minutes before close? ›

Asking to dine in right before closing time can be rude, depending on when you show up and the kind of service you are expecting. “I don't show up to a place less than 15 to 20 minutes before close,” said Bill Whitlow, a Covington, Kentucky-based restaurant operator.

Can you sit in McDonald's 24 hours? ›

No, McDonalds, has a few locations that are 24 hrs. However, after approximately 9 pm or 10pm the lobby area will usually be closed for customers and the drive thru is open to place orders and retrieve food.

Is it rude to get fast food 30 minutes before closing? ›

That all depends. At a fast food place like McDonald's or pizza hut? No, so long as you're getting your food for takeout and not trying to eat there. At a restaurant where the food takes longer to prepare, you might be inconveniencing the whole staff, which is quite rude.

How long is a shift in fast food? ›

Shift lengths can vary, but they typically run between 4-8 hours, depending on the employee's availability, the needs of the store, labor laws, and contractual agreements.

How long is too long to wait for fast-food? ›

While in a fast-food restaurant, the average wait time is about 5 minutes, in a casual or fine-dining restaurant, you can expect a wait time of 20 minutes or more. To avoid customers waiting in line for too long and learn how to keep waiting customers happy, check out the tips below.

How many hours can fast-food sit out? ›

Bacteria thrive in temperatures between 40 and 140 degrees and can double every 20 minutes in that “danger zone.” Based on that growth, scientists pinpointed two hours to be the maximum amount of time consumers can safely leave perishable food at room temperature.

Can you leave McDonalds out overnight? ›

Discard all perishable foods, such as meat, poultry, eggs, side dishes, or casseroles, left at room temperature longer than two hours; one hour in room temperatures above 90 °F.

Can I just sit in McDonalds? ›

No, it's not illegal to sit at McDonalds without buying anything, but it IS illegal to remain on their property after being asked to leave because you didn't buy anything. It's called criminal trespass and is generally a misdemeanor.

How long can you stay at a McDonalds? ›

As long as there are plenty of other seats and you have purchased coffee, then you can stay as long as you want. If it starts to fill up though and you've already been there a while, I would suggest leaving soon as it's impolite to sit for so long when other new customers may be waiting.

Should you stay away from fast food? ›

In the short term, fast food impacts blood sugar and blood pressure, increases inflammation, and may mean an individual does not eat enough necessary nutrients. In the long term, a diet rich in fast food could lead to issues with digestion, immunity, inflammation, heart health, obesity, and more.

Why do fast food restaurants take so long at night? ›

Late night isn't going to have all that many customers per hour no matter how fast you get each one through, and labor is a large portion of the cost of running the place, so they put as few people as possible. They then also have to do extra tasks to reset the store and get it ready for a new day.

Is it rude to stay after a restaurant closes? ›

The rudest thing is if you're purposely staying past close,” Calle said. “I would never stay an hour after closing,” Whitlow said. Just because you are not being kicked out doesn't mean your continued presence is welcome.

Why do fast food workers get $20 an hour? ›

The new law, signed by Governor Gavin Newsom last fall, requires that fast-food chains with 60 or more locations nationwide pay their workers at least $20 an hour. The means the state's 553,000 fast-food workers will earn more than the state's $16 minimum wage for all other industries.

Can you work at McDonald's and Burger King at the same time? ›

Burger King has a strict policy against working for another fast food company while you work for them.

What is the shortest shift at mcdonalds? ›

Our minimum shift length is 4 hours on weekdays and 8 hours on weekends. Q: My family member needs care right now! How quickly can you send someone?

Is it rude to go to a restaurant 15 minutes before closing? ›

All of which is to say, if you're going to a restaurant with the intention of having a late dinner, a good rule of thumb is to arrive at least 30 minutes before the kitchen closes. Even better would be to make a reservation, so the staff knows you're coming and can offer the best dining experience possible.

Is it rude to come in 10 minutes before closing? ›

At many restaurants, it's fair game to show up at the last minute and receive full service. Many feel, however, that doing so is inconsiderate to the restaurant's staff, who can't finish up their closing tasks and go home until the final customer leaves. Just because you can, some say, doesn't mean you should.

Is it rude to go to a restaurant as soon as it opens? ›

Well most restaurants want customers from the moment they open the doors to customers. That is why they open the doors, so that customers can come in. They make more money if they have more customers, and if you are hungry at the moment they open their doors, then they will be happy to serve you.

How long does it take for fast-food to spoil? ›

Discard all perishable foods, such as meat, poultry, eggs, side dishes, or casseroles, left at room temperature longer than two hours; one hour in room temperatures above 90 °F. Once leftovers are stored safely, they will remain safe three to four days. For more information please visit Safe Handling of Takeout Food.

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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.