Event #27: $1,500 Big O | 2024 World Series of Poker (2024)

Event #27: $1,500 Big O

Event #20: $300 Gladiators of Poker No-Limit Hold'emEvent #25: $3,000 6-Handed Limit Hold'emEvent #26: $25,000 High Roller No-Limit Hold'em (8-Handed)Event #27: $1,500 Big OEvent #28: $1,500 Freezeout No-Limit Hold'emEvent #29: $10,000 Limit 2-7 Lowball Triple Draw Championship (6-Handed)Show All Events

Day: 2


Event Info

2024 World Series of Poker

Event Info



Prize Pool




Players Left


Average Chip Stack


Total Chips


Next Payout

Place 20


Level Info




25,000 / 50,000



Players Info - Day 2

AllHighlightsSocialBusted$25K Fantasy


Chip Counts


Tomoki Matsuda



John Bunch



Michael Christ



Paul Fehlig



Lucas Zwingmann-Gocht



Seth Frederici



James McWhorter



Damjan Radanov



Sammy Farha


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Matsuda Leads Final 20 in Event #27: $1,500 Big O

Event #27: $1,500 Big O | 2024 World Series of Poker (21)

Level 25: Blinds 25,000/50,000, 50,000 ante

Event #27: $1,500 Big O | 2024 World Series of Poker (22)

After ten hours of play on Day 2, it is Tomoki Matsuda leading the final 20 players in Event #27: $1,500 Big O with 4,285,000 in chips here at the 2024 World Series of Poker at the Horseshoe and Paris Las Vegas.

From a starting field of 1,555 entrants, just 232 returned for Day 2 after the money bubble burst late on Day 1. A total of 234 were guaranteed at least the min-cash of $3,002. However, there remain just 20 players who return tomorrow for a chance at WSOP glory and the first-place prize of $306,884.

Rounding at the podium behind Matsuda is John Bunch (4,005,000) and Michael Christ (3,335,000). Two-time bracelet winner Nathan Gamble (455,000) is also still in contention.

End of Day 2 Top Ten Chip Counts

PlacePlayerCountryChip CountBig Blinds
1Tomoki MatsudaJapan4,285,00071
2John BunchUnited States4,005,00067
3Michael ChristUnited States3,335,00056
4Paul FehligUnited States3,310,00055
5Lucas Zwingmann-GochtGermany3,075,00051
6Seth FredericiUnited States2,700,00045
7James McWhorterUnited States2,460,00041
8Matthew BretzfieldUnited States2,400,00040
9Damjan RadanovUnited States1,875,00031
10Sam FarhaUnited States1,420,00024

Several notable players busted in the money today, including Kevin Gerhart, Todd Brunson, Calvin Anderson, and Jeff Masden.

One player of note who advanced to Day 2 is the start-of-day chip leader Sam Farha. The old-school legend endured a rollercoaster of a day, with his stack shifting considerably at seemingly every glance. He finished the day with 1,420,000 chips, which is good for 10th place.

Event #27: $1,500 Big O | 2024 World Series of Poker (23)

The Day’s Action

With the players returning just two places into the money, the post-bubble bust-out bonanza began from the first shuffle. The eliminations came quickly, and the field was halved within three hours of play.

Some of the early eliminations included bracelet winners John Racener, Brad Ruben, and Mike Matusow.

Adam Friedman busted in brutal fashion as his opponent Philip Tanner only had three outs to improve going onto the turn. However, a non-heart jack rolled off on the turn, giving Tanner a straight to eliminate Friedman.

51 players survived until the dinner break, and the action slowed down as the payjumps became more meaningful.

After dinner, some notable late bustouts included Scott Bohlman, Jake Schwartz, and Dylan Smith.

Remaining Payouts


The returning 20 players will resume at 1:00 p.m. on June 11 in the Horseshoe Event Center. The action begins in Level 26 with blinds at 30,000/60,000. Play will continue until a winner has been crowned and the bracelet has been awarded.

As always, stay tuned to Pokernews for continued coverage of Event #27: $1,500 Big O and all other events at the 2024 World Series of Poker.

Tags:Adam FriedmanBrad RubenCalvin AndersonDamjan RadanovDylan SmithJake SchwartzJames McwhorterJeff MasdenJohn BunchJohn RacenerKevin GerhartLucas Zwingmann-GochtMatthew BretzfieldMichael ChristMike MatusowNathan GamblePaul FehligPhilip TannerSam FarhaSammy FarhaScott BohlmanSeth FredericiTodd BrunsonTomoki Matsuda

End of Day 2 Chip Counts (full)

Event #27: $1,500 Big O | 2024 World Series of Poker (24)

Level 25: Blinds 25,000/50,000, 50,000 ante

Tomoki Matsuda4,285,000



Event #27: $1,500 Big O | 2024 World Series of Poker (27)

John Bunch4,005,000


Michael Christ3,335,000
Paul Fehlig3,310,000


Lucas Zwingmann-Gocht3,075,000


Seth Frederici2,700,000


James McWhorter2,460,000
Matthew Bretzfield2,400,000


Damjan Radanov1,875,000


Sammy Farha1,420,000



Event #27: $1,500 Big O | 2024 World Series of Poker (46)

Event #27: $1,500 Big O | 2024 World Series of Poker (47)

Khoa Luong1,365,000


Event #27: $1,500 Big O | 2024 World Series of Poker (50)Event #27: $1,500 Big O | 2024 World Series of Poker (51)

Zeph Pages



Dylan Lindsey1,245,000


Event #27: $1,500 Big O | 2024 World Series of Poker (54)Event #27: $1,500 Big O | 2024 World Series of Poker (55)

Brandon Will



Eduardo Lezcano1,100,000


Michael Estes1,095,000


Event #27: $1,500 Big O | 2024 World Series of Poker (60)Event #27: $1,500 Big O | 2024 World Series of Poker (61)

William Davis (WA)



Matthew Beinner835,000


Nathan Gamble455,000



Event #27: $1,500 Big O | 2024 World Series of Poker (66)

Dennis Benavides435,000

End of Day

Event #27: $1,500 Big O | 2024 World Series of Poker (69)

Level 25: Blinds 25,000/50,000, 50,000 ante

The players have bagged up for the night. Play will resume at 1 p.m. local time. Stay tuned for a full recap of the day.

Sokchheka Pho Eliminated in 21st Place ($12,828)

Event #27: $1,500 Big O | 2024 World Series of Poker (70)

Level 25: Blinds 25,000/50,000, 50,000 ante

Event #27: $1,500 Big O | 2024 World Series of Poker (71)

Sokchheka Pho moved all-in for 45,000 from middle position and was called by Michael Christ in the lojack. The blinds came along as well.

The K52J2 board was checked to showdown and only Christ's hand was revealed.

Sokchheka Pho: AK1063 Event #27: $1,500 Big O | 2024 World Series of Poker (72)
Michael Christ: A10972

Christ made trip twos to eliminated Pho.

Michael Christ3,335,000


Sokchheka PhoBusted

Tags:Michael ChristSokchheka Pho

Ryan Conrad Eliminated in 22nd Place ($12,828)

Event #27: $1,500 Big O | 2024 World Series of Poker (77)

Level 25: Blinds 25,000/50,000, 50,000 ante

Event #27: $1,500 Big O | 2024 World Series of Poker (78)

Seth Frederici raised under the gun to 125,000, and it folded the big blind Ryan Conrad, who called all in for 75,000.

Ryan Conrad: K7765 Event #27: $1,500 Big O | 2024 World Series of Poker (79)
Seth Frederici: AKQJ10

When the flop came out 7K10 it catapulted Conrad into the lead with his set of sevens. The 2 kept Conrad best, but the J on the river gave Frederici the Broadway straight and eliminated Conrad in 22nd place.

Seth Frederici2,350,000


Ryan ConradBusted

Tags:Ryan ConradSeth Frederici

Farha Doubles Through Bunch

Event #27: $1,500 Big O | 2024 World Series of Poker (84)

Level 25: Blinds 25,000/50,000, 50,000 ante

Event #27: $1,500 Big O | 2024 World Series of Poker (85)

Sammy Farha opened to 175,000, telling the table the it was his turn to go home. John Bunch was undeterred, raising to 500,000. Action folded back around to Farha, who moved all in for 530,000 and Bunch tossed in the call.

Sammy Farha: AKQ65 Event #27: $1,500 Big O | 2024 World Series of Poker (86)
John Bunch: AKK62

"Take a deep breathe," Farha told the dealer who slowly dealt out the 239Q4 board. Farha clapped when the river gave him a wheel to take the entire pot.

"First time I beat this guy all day," Farha told the table referring to Bunch getting the better of their encounters to this point.

John Bunch4,125,000


Sammy Farha1,030,000



Event #27: $1,500 Big O | 2024 World Series of Poker (91)

Event #27: $1,500 Big O | 2024 World Series of Poker (92)

Tags:John BunchSammy Farha

Michael Simhai Eliminated in 23rd Place ($12,828); Samuel Vasquez Eliminated in 24th Place ($10,452)

Event #27: $1,500 Big O | 2024 World Series of Poker (93)

Level 25: Blinds 25,000/50,000, 50,000 ante

Event #27: $1,500 Big O | 2024 World Series of Poker (94)

Two hands were playing out simultaneously on a pay jump, with action at table 671 wrapping up first.

After the 5KA flop, Seth Frederici checked in the big blind before Samuel Vasquez moved all in from under the gun. John Bunch got out of the way on the button, with Frederici making the call.

Samuel Vasquez: A10952 Event #27: $1,500 Big O | 2024 World Series of Poker (95)
Seth Frederici: AJ972

Vasquez was ahead with two pair, but the 4 turn brought Frederici the low. The 8 river then completed Frederici's flush draw, sending Vasquez to the rail in 24th place.

He was joined quickly by Michael Simhai, who was eliminated within moments on the next table but made the pay jump in 23rd position.

Event #27: $1,500 Big O | 2024 World Series of Poker (96)
John Bunch4,800,000


Seth Frederici1,920,000


Samuel VasquezBusted
Michael SimhaiBusted

Event #27: $1,500 Big O | 2024 World Series of Poker (105)

Tags:John BunchMichael SimhaiSamuel VasquezSeth Frederici

Christ's Gamble Pays Off

Event #27: $1,500 Big O | 2024 World Series of Poker (106)

Level 25: Blinds 25,000/50,000, 50,000 ante

When action folded Khoa Luong in middle position he raised to 175,000, and Michael Christ on the button called. Then William Davis, three-bet to 725,000, leaving just 150,000 behind. When it got back to Luong, he announced all in for 655,000. After thinking over his decision, Christ called the 725,000.

The flop came 10J4 and when Davis bet all in for 150,000 Christ made the call.

Khoa Luong: AA752 Event #27: $1,500 Big O | 2024 World Series of Poker (107)
Willam Davis: AA772 Event #27: $1,500 Big O | 2024 World Series of Poker (108)
Michael Christ: J5432

When the board ran out 6 on the turn and Q on the river, it was Christ taking the high hand with two pair, jacks and fours, and Davis taking the low with ace-deuce. For the main pot it was again Christ taking the main pot with two pair, and both Luong and Davis splitting the low with ace-deuce.

Michael Christ2,900,000


Event #27: $1,500 Big O | 2024 World Series of Poker (111)Event #27: $1,500 Big O | 2024 World Series of Poker (112)

William Davis (WA)



Khoa Luong575,000



Tags:Khoa LuongMichael Christ

Lezcano Doubles Through Radanov

Event #27: $1,500 Big O | 2024 World Series of Poker (115)

Level 25: Blinds 25,000/50,000, 50,000 ante

Damjan Radanov covered Eduardo Lezcano, who was all in and at risk on the button.

Eduardo Lezcano: AKQ42 Event #27: $1,500 Big O | 2024 World Series of Poker (116)
Damjan Radanov: AAJ87

Radanov improved to a flush on the J4K24 board, but Lezcano hit a full house to double his short stack.

Damjan Radanov1,450,000


Eduardo Lezcano560,000



Tags:Damjan RadanovEduardo Lezcano

Level: 25

Blinds: 25,000/50,000

Ante: 50,000


Event #27: $1,500 Big O | 2024 World Series of Poker (2024)
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Name: Carmelo Roob

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