Dollar Tree is raising its prices to $1.25, officially breaking the buck for good (2024)

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Dollar Tree is raising its prices to $1.25, officially breaking the buck for good BEKIJK OOK: Hoe nep-Rolex horloges worden gemaakt en op de markt gebracht, volgens een privé-detective Topbelegger Michael Burry voorspelde kredietcrisis in 2008 en gaat nu voor goud Ronald Plasterk haakt af als kandidaat-premier voor kabinet van PVV, NSC, VVD en BBB Een kwartje uit 1891 van ruim €1 miljoen of 133 jaar beleggen in aandelen: wat levert meer op? President Iran omgekomen bij helikopterongeluk: opvolger mogelijk zoon van hoogste leider Khamenei Ronald Plasterk in het nauw vanwege miljoenenwinst op omstreden patent – hij vroeg Sywert van Lienden als financier Auto financieren met private lease populair onder jongeren, maar bemoeilijkt aankoop huis: dit doet het met je maximale hypotheek Microsoft lanceert computers die op AI draaien – ze zijn te koop vanaf €1.200 en hebben een ‘fotografisch geheugen’ Jamie Dimon warns inflation and higher interest rates may linger — and people are running out of spare cash Dit biedt het coalitie-akkoord van PVV, NSC, VVD en BBB voor huiseigenaren: geen gemorrel aan hypotheekrenteaftrek en 4 andere punten ‘Shark Tank’ star tells college graduates not to take a job based on pay but do find a good boss Partnerexperts Vacatures Dit krijg je in mei aan vakantiegeld, als je brutoloon tussen de €2.000 en €9.000 per maand ligt Topbelegger Ray Dalio ziet kans op een burgeroorlog in de VS stijgen naar 40% – en denkt dat Taylor Swift een goede president zou zijn Rusland legt beslag op €240 miljoen aan bezittingen van Deutsche Bank Zonnetje schijnt op de beurs met nieuwe records, terwijl hogere grondstofprijzen mogelijk risico worden voor de inflatie Economen ING: aanzienlijk deel van voorgestelde bezuinigingen in onderhandelingsakkoord is onrealistisch 4 manieren waarop een andere mentaliteit ervoor kan zorgen dat het je lukt om geld te sparen en vermogen op te bouwen


Dollar Tree is raising its prices to $1.25, officially breaking the buck for good

Dollar Tree is raising its prices to $1.25, officially breaking the buck for good (1)

Mary Hanbury

Dollar Tree is raising its prices to $1.25, officially breaking the buck for good (2)
Dollar Tree is raising its prices to $1.25, officially breaking the buck for good (3)
  • Dollar Tree is breaking the buck for good.
  • The discount chain said Tuesday the majority of its $1 items will now be sold for $1.25.
  • It began testing these higher prices points in September.

Dollar Tree is officially breaking the buck.

The discount chain announced Tuesday in its third-quarter earnings results that it will now sell the majority of its $1 items for $1.25 after testing higher pricesearlier in the year.

In a call with investors, CEO Michael Witynski said that the new price regime will allow the company to bring back items that were previously abandoned – because of its $1 price constraint – and enable it to return profit margins to their longstanding levels of 35% to 36% next year.

Dollar Tree, which also owns Family Dollar, was the last of the major dollar store chains in the US to stand by its $1 commitment for more than 30 years even as investors piled on the pressure for it to raise prices.

Witynski said that by raising prices to $1.25, the company has more flexibility to absorb rising supply chain and labor costs that are biting into profit margins.

On top of this, the company said it is expanding its higher-priced Dollar Tree Plus line of goods, which includes items that mostly cost between $3 and $5, to more stores. It plans to roll out the line to 5,000 stores by 2024, it said.

For the moment, Witynski is promising to stand by the $1.25 price to keep things simple for customers, he said on the call.

While analysts say the price increase will allow the company to return to its historic 35% margin levels (gross margin was 27.5% of net sales in the most recent quarter), there's a risk that its customers could be turned off by this.

"That risk is reduced customer traction, smaller basket sizes, and some erosion of the value credentials Dollar Tree is renowned for," Neil Saunders, managing director of Global Data Retail, said in a note to clients Tuesday. "The simple fact is that many of Dollar Tree's customers are feeling the heat of inflation on their spending power, and they won't simply absorb such a large price lift," he added.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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Dollar Tree is raising its prices to $1.25, officially breaking the buck for good (2024)
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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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